Men’s Meeting
Shiloh Temple International Ministries 1201 W. Broadway Ave. N, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCalling all men to come to the men's meeting. Fellowship with the brothers of the church. Breakfast will be served.
Calling all men to come to the men's meeting. Fellowship with the brothers of the church. Breakfast will be served.
Enrichment sessions for married couples and lots of fun.
Bring your children ages 3 - 10 we ask that only those who are potty trained all the way up to 10 can attend children's church.
All are welcome. We have Sunday education for adults and children from 8:45 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. Join us and learn more about the word of God.
Join us as for our praise & worship service.
Join us for all day prayer.
Join us for all day prayer.
Come and bring your children for Bible study.
Come on in and join the youth for Bible study.
Calling all parents to bring their children. The children will enjoy an evening of fun. Stay tune for more information.
Board of Elders Meeting in the executive board room.
Minister's meeting will meet in the executive board room.
Youth come on out and let us go offsite for an event. More details to come.
Bring your children ages 3 - 10 we ask that only those who are potty trained all the way up to 10 can attend children's church.
All are welcome. We have Sunday education for adults and children from 8:45 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. Join us and learn more about the word of God.
Join us as for our praise & worship service.
Join us on Sunday as Reverend Richard H. Coleman speaks on Reconciling Heaven and Racism.
Calling all youth come on out and praise & worship with us.
Join us for all day prayer.