
Mission Statement
A Christian kingdom center of activities willed by divine authority that distributes all services and products to its members courageously, passionately and effectively for kingdom growth, reputation and worship across time, people and place.VISION STATEMENT: The leading Christian kingdom center of the community among faith and unfaith in moral posturing that will transform lives in education, health and wellness, family values through spiritual attainment and outreach.VALUE STATEMENT:
Undergirding all practices with integrity, honesty, love, truthfulness, compassion, fervor, confidence and wisdom in order to achieve desired outcomes directed by God through the primary leadership of the ministry.
Shiloh Temple International Ministries is a member of the Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakotas District Council, the 7th Episcopal District, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, with Diocesan Bishop Richard D. Howell, Jr. (their logos placed with this statement)
For more information visit:
MWDDC Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.